Klairs Seoul is always full of new stories. New events are held every month, new plants are welcomed every week, and new books fill the shelves every quarter. So where can you get the latest news about Klairs Seoul? It’s none other than Klairs Seoul Instagram.
Klairs Seoul is not just a store but a complex cultural space, so a variety of content is produced. If you look closely at the content on Klairs Seoul’s Instagram, you will be able to divide them into 5 different categories, and they will now be introduced to you one by one.
1. Klairs Seoul Space

If you think of Klairs Seoul as simply a space that is filled with Dear, Klairs products, that is a big mistake. Klairs Seoul brings excitement to the eye with many different things to see such as a place where customers can wash their hands comfortably, a small fountain that flows quietly next to it, a flowerbed that reminds you of a full forest, seasonal decorations. We make sure that we don’t miss each of these small space elements and continue to introduce them through our Instagram.
2. Dear, Klairs Products

Because Klairs Seoul is a special space where you can test all of Dear, Klairs’ products, product-related content is a must. We showcase our large variety of products through photos taken in pretty spaces and with props so you can vividly experience Klairs Seoul.
3. Various Events

The second and third floors of Klairs Seoul are always crowded because of the various events that are held such as dessert pop-ups, exhibitions, and classes. Everything you need to know can be found on Klairs Seoul’s Instagram, you can quickly get information about these events, from the schedule of the event to what the event looks like. More and more events are taking place day by day, so keep an eye out for Klairs Seoul’s Instagram and you will definitely find several interesting events.
4. Cut Flowers

Klairs Seoul’s ‘Flower of the Week’ cut flowers changes every week, and you can find out which flower of the week it is on Klairs Seoul’s Instagram. The core aspects of this content are a photo that clearly shows the details of the flower, and text that provides information about the flower. If you continue focusing on the cut flower content that is uploaded every week, you may become a talent who can memorize the names of quite a large variety of flowers.
5. Brick Books

In Klairs Seoul, there is a small curation bookstore called “Brick Books”, also known as “the smallest bookstore in Sinsa-dong.” Every quarter, we welcome more than 20 new books that follow a new theme, and every two weeks, Klairs Seoul’s Instagram posts content introducing each book. The posts include not only the summary of the book, but also other intricate details such as the meaning the book holds, and important phrases from the book.