한국 스킨케어 및 화장품 유통업체인 Korendy Turkey 는 Dear, Klairs와 협력하여 환경 캠페인을 위한 터키 토양 침식 방지 재단(TEMA)을 지원했습니다. 클레어스 데일리 스킨 하이드레이팅 토너 와 소프트닝 워터 토너 는 6월 1일부터 9월 30일 까지 코렌디와 디어, 클레어스가 TEMA에 나무 묘목 1그루를 기부했습니다.
The Turkish Foundation for Combating Soil Erosion (TEMA) is one of the biggest environmental NGOs in Turkey. Founded in 1992, TEMA was one of the first NGOs to identify and publicize soil erosion as a serious threat to the country’s environment as well as to its economic and social life. The foundation has achieved a significant national impact with the help of volunteers who planted millions of saplings and tree seeds across the country.
Although the Dear, Klairs x Korendy TEMA campaign was set to end on August 31st, the campaign was extended for another month after the devastating series of wildfires in Turkey. Overall, the campaign was successful with a total of 238 seedlings donated to TEMA.
Earlier this year, Dear, Klairs held a similar campaign, Toners for Tons of Mangroves, when Dear, Klairs Indonesia launched the Daily Skin Softening Water on January 25th. Dear, Klairs Indonesia committed to its collaboration with Lindungi Hutan – a fundraising platform for forest and environment conservation – to donate one mangrove for every Daily Skin Toner purchase.
Dear, Klairs remains committed to supporting environmental campaigns and will help bring awareness to important environmental issues.