Dear, Klairs


Say goodbye to flaky skin with these products

Here in Seoul, it’s constantly starting to dip below freezing. With the drop in temperature also comes a drop in moisture and air pressure in the environment around us.

So what does this mean for our skin?

While the more pleasant summer and spring lets you pass with just a little moisturizer and a bit of chapstick, winters are brutal on the skin, and take shape in the form of dry, flaky skin. Luckily, tweaking your routine a little with a few products and extra attention toward hydration will keep you on your path to healthy, moisturized skin in no time.

  seoul winter skincare routine

Here are a few of our favorite products to keep you glowy and dewy throughout this winter.

 1. Supple Preparation All-Over Lotion

Moisturizing is a key part of any skincare routine, but it becomes even more so during the cold, dry weather.

Using a light but deeply hydrating moisturizer like the All-Over Lotion is great because it leaves the skin free to breathe, while also locking in the moisture it needs. This lotion also contains elements like hyaluronic acid and jojoba oil, and can be used not only on the face, but also your arms, legs, hair — anywhere you need an extra boost of hydration.

Extra tip: Apply lotion all over your body as soon as you step out of the shower to ensure your skin has the extra moisturizing layer of protection it needs. Applying it on a still damp body also helps keep the skin extra hydrated.

supple prep all over lotion

2. Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask

For those pesky dry patches, try a lighter gel moisturizer like our Vitamin E mask. It’s unique texture that sits between a gel and a cream applies light on the skin without going globby, so you don’t have to worry about clogging your pores.

It also contains adenosine, a key ingredient that fights wrinkles, so you can forget about your smile lines and other small fine lines that are highlighted by the dryness of the winter.

Extra tip: Apply a thick layer of this cream to your face before going to bed to wake up to a smoother, softer, brighter and more hydrated complexion.

vitamin e mask

3. Gentle Black Sugar Facial Polish

Don’t just ignore the itchy flakes that start to rise on your face by covering it up with globs of moisturizer. While it’s key to never skimp on your creams and lotions, applying it on a complexion that is blocked by these dead flakes will have less of an effect than it can have on a smooth surface.

Exfoliate your face at lease three times a week with a gentle scrub to remove all the dead skin that end up making your makeup look patchy and your skin itchy.

klairs gentlye black sugar facial polish

Extra tip: Mix the scrub with our Gentle Deep Black Cleansing Oil in a 2:1 ratio for an exfoliating makeup remover. If you’re dealing with major flakage and your skin isn’t overly oily, there are very low chances this will clog your pores – a common skincare myth.

gentle black deep cleansing oil

Feel like it’s time you upped your winter skincare game? Shop the article, and the full Klairs collection, here!