Dear, Klairs


The Vitamin E Mask sold out two weeks after launch!

Within just two weeks of its release, the Klairs Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask has completely sold out.

Thanks to the support of old and new Klairs fans, this vitamin mask continues to be in high demand for not only its equally as innovative and effective formula containing pure vitamin E, but also its fun, tantalizing texture.

Excitement across the web

Vitamin E Mask

Excitement was apparent throughout the web.

People filled the hashtags #Klairs #VitaminEMask #VitaminCmateVitaminE and more with mentions of the vitamin E mask, sharing their experiences with the mask with their followers.

Photos and reviews talked about the mask’s pudding-like texture, and praised its instant effectiveness, hence the hashtag #OvernightElasticSkin.

I also think the texture is cuhrazy and cool to see it look new every time. – @sassylifestory

[H]oly hell it has significantly improved the tone. Even within the past two weeks, I’ve noticed my skin to be significantly more even/ brightened. – @sharmtoaster

What is it?

While vitamin E products are common in the market, the Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask provides a new angle: crazy cool texture, high concentration of active ingredients, and powerful moisturizing power for all skin types.

In addition to vitamin E, the mask also contains niacinamide and adenosine, which work to brighten skin tone and even out signs of fine lines and wrinkles. And, thanks to its lightweight texture, can be a perfect replacement for your daily moisturizer, or can be used in larger amounts as a skin transforming sleep mask.

Where to find it

While the Freshly Juiced Vitamin E Mask is currently out of stock, don’t worry! You can purchase it on as soon as it restocks, so be sure to check back on our social media for more updates on when you can get your hands on this mask again.

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